10 things never to post online

In the ever-evolving landscape of social media, where the digital realm intertwines with our daily lives more and more every day, the power of a single post cannot be underestimated.
Vincent Iachetta Jr., president of Peppermonkey Media, discusses four things that should never find their way onto your social media profile.
Your romantic situation
Vincent explains, ‘While it may seem harmless to update your relationship status on social media, revealing too much about your romantic situation can make you vulnerable to unwanted attention and potential harassment.
Broadcasting your relationship status, especially if you’re single, can attract unwanted advances or even stalking from individuals with malicious intent.’ Additionally, disclosing relationship status changes can lead to personal drama and unwanted inquiries from acquaintances or colleagues.
Your nightlife
Sharing excessive details about your partying habits, including drinking or drug use, can have severe repercussions. Beyond damaging your reputation, posting such content can jeopardize future job opportunities, as employers often screen candidates’ social media profiles.
Moreover, oversharing party-related activities may attract unwanted attention from law enforcement or potential criminals, putting your safety at risk.
Your location
Disclosing your exact whereabouts in real-time, such as checking in at specific venues or sharing your location through geotags, can compromise your safety and security. Vincent says, ‘Broadcasting your location publicly makes you susceptible to physical harm, stalking, or burglary, as malicious individuals can use this information to track your movements.
Moreover, oversharing your location poses a risk to your privacy and may inadvertently reveal sensitive information about your daily routines or habits.’
Your home address and contact information
Refrain from sharing your home address, phone number, or email address on public forums. Exposing this information makes you vulnerable to physical harm, harassment, spam emails, and unwanted solicitations.
Your birthdate
Be cautious about sharing your birthdate as it can be used to impersonate you or access your accounts. Vincent advises, ‘Cybercriminals often use such information to guess passwords, answer security questions, or conduct targeted phishing attacks.’
Your tickets
Vincent advises against uploading tickets to events or travel plans on social media platforms. Posting tickets publicly can invite counterfeiters or opportunistic thieves to target you, putting your finances and personal safety at risk, as they can use the information shown on your ticket to steal your identity.
Your intimate photos
Refrain from sharing intimate or compromising photos in private messages on social media, even through encrypted mediums, as they can be exploited for revenge porn or unauthorized dissemination.
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Vincent warns, ‘Once shared online, such images can have long-lasting consequences, impacting your personal and professional relationships and causing you emotional distress. Remember, what you post online stays online – forever.’
Your confidential nork info
Exercise discretion when sharing any work-related information on social media to prevent potential breaches of confidentiality or accusations of corporate espionage. Maintaining your professional integrity usually means posting as little as possible about the day-to-day workings of your company and nothing about your specific processes.
Vincent says, ‘If you think this one seems obvious, remember that military officers have been convicted of sending classified blueprints to the developers of an online tank game to prove their designs were inaccurate! If they can make that mistake, anyone can, so it’s up to you to be on the lookout.’