FULL LIST: India, China & Nigeria… Top 10 countries with the most citizens offline 

 FULL LIST: India, China & Nigeria… Top 10 countries with the most citizens offline 

Nigeria, with 123.42 million citizens offline, has surged into the fourth spot for countries with significant populations lacking internet access, according to recent data

This places the nation behind India, which tops the list with a staggering 683.7 million people disconnected from the online world. 

The absence of regular internet access poses substantial challenges in today’s society, impacting education, job opportunities, and overall quality of life. With approximately 2.6 billion people globally still offline, the digital divide remains a pressing issue. 

Factors such as infrastructure, affordability, digital literacy, and government policies contribute to this gap, underscoring the need for concerted efforts to ensure universal internet access.

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Bridging this gap is not only a technological imperative but also a moral obligation to enable everyone to participate fully in the digital age and unlock their potential for social and economic development.

“The Internet has become a fundamental tool for social and economic development in the 21st century. Closing the divide in internet connectivity between countries is not just a matter of technological advancement but a moral imperative to ensure that everyone, regardless of their background or location, has the opportunity to fully participate in the digital age and realize their full potential,” the report added.

Here’s a list of countries with their figures regarding citizens without internet access:

India: 683.7 million (highest globally)

Pakistan: 131.8 million

Nigeria: 123.42 million

Ethiopia: 103.29 million

Bangladesh: 96.47 million

Indonesia: 93.4 million

Democratic Republic of Congo: 75.61 million

Tanzania: 46.6 million

Uganda: 35.94 million

China: Population information not provided, but significant rural population lacks internet access.

The report emphasizes the need for concerted efforts from multiple stakeholders to bridge this gap and ensure equitable access to online resources for inclusive economic development and social cohesion.

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