Elvert Ayambem: List of state house of assembly speakers impeached in Nigeria

 Elvert Ayambem: List of state house of assembly speakers impeached in Nigeria

In Nigeria’s furious political space, the state house of assembly speakers wields considerable power and influence. 

However, since 1999, this position has been marred by controversy and scandal, with several speakers being impeached. 

With allegations ranging from corruption to abuse of power, each case has sent shockwaves through the political establishment, shaking the foundations of state governance. 

As the country grapples with ongoing issues of corruption and political instability, the impeachments serve as a stark reminder of democracy’s fragility and the need for leadership accountability. 

This is a story about power, betrayal, and the consequences of misguided political ambitions.

The list: 

Alhaji Aliyu Muduru (Katsina State):

The Speaker of the Katsina State House of Assembly, Alhaji Aliyu Muduru, has been impeached and removed from office.

Muduru was impeached on Wednesday by members of the assembly during a plenary session of the house.

The House Majority Leader, Alhaji Hanbali Faruk, representing Katsina Constituency, moved the motion for the impeachment, and was seconded by member representing Funtua Constituency, Alhaji Abubakar Total.

The News Agency of Nigeria reports that 23 out of the 34 members voted in favour of the impeachment and removal of the speaker.

The lawmakers also elected Alhaji Yahya Abubakar from Kusada Constituency as the new Speaker.

The speaker was sworn in during the session.

Rt. Hon. Victor Edoror (Edo State): 

Victor Edoror was impeached as the Speaker of the Edo State House of Assembly in 2014 on allegations of gross misconduct, abuse of office, financial misappropriation, and anti-party activities.

He was dismissed alongside his deputy, Mr. Bright Osayande, yesterday, by members of the House.

Rt. Hon. Terkimbi Ikyange (Benue State)

Terkimbi Ikyange was impeached as the Speaker of the Benue State House of Assembly in 2018 for alleged high-handedness, misappropriation of funds, and abuse of office.

Olakunle Oluomo (Ogun State): 

Olakunle Oluomo was impeached as the Speaker of the Ogun State House of Assembly in 20024. 

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He was impeached on allegations of corruption and abuse of office. The impeachment led to a power struggle within the Assembly, with Oluomo’s supporters accusing the governor of orchestrating the impeachment.

Abdullahi Atta (Kano State): 

Abdullahi Atta was impeached as the Speaker of the Kano State House of Assembly in 2018. He was impeached on allegations of financial mismanagement and abuse of office. 

The impeachment led to a political crisis in the state, with Usman’s supporters alleging that the impeachment was politically motivated.

Elvert Anyambem (Cross River State): 

Elvert Anyambem, the Speaker of the Cross River State House of Assembly, has been impeached. 

His fellow colleagues accused him of gross misconduct and being overly authoritarian in his administrative approach.

According to Vanguard, there had been a growing dissatisfaction among members regarding Anyambem’s behavior and methods for several months. On Tuesday May 22 2024, it was reported that 17 members had signed up for his impeachment.

During the legislative session, Hon. Effiong Ekarika, who represents Calabar South 1, moved the motion for his removal, which was seconded by Charles Omang.

These are some of the state House of Assembly speakers impeached in Nigeria since 1999. 

Impeachments in the Nigerian political system are often fraught with political tensions and power struggles, and can have significant implications for the governance of the affected state.

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