Be magnetic 5: How to attract the right network of people

By Sunday Orodiran
“The kind of friend you keep defines the type of life you live.”
Today, as we wrap up this lesson, I trust God that some lives have been blessed and some hard panel attitudes have been broken to allow new phase of life. It’s paramount to let you know that reading from us always will not change you but living these wisdom cakes will do. You can make your life better by deciding to be a better person.
Nothing will change in your life if you do not learn how to change yourself. Take that step today and you shall see miracles flooding your way. God bless you. Last week we stopped at a point that inspired us to always be a natural helper. You are to incline yourself into this cone before you can get along in life. You get to nowhere by folding your arms. Until you start helping people, your life won’t change for better.
BE A NATURAL COMMUNICATOR: Nothing in life can be done without communication. Someone said that communication is the soul of life. If I want to build a strong relationship I need good communication.
Likewise, if I want to destroy any relationship, all what I need is communication. Communication can make you or mar you. You must learn to communicate. Everybody talks but not everyone communicates. What does it mean to communicate? You communicate when you provide a platform to talk to people and people talk back to you and both parties benefit from the discussion.
A lot of people waste their time thinking that they communicate whereas they don’t. It’s easy to waste your time to talk to people and with no result if you don’t know how to communicate. Better communication will enhance your network. Learn how to develop good communication today.
BE RELEVANT: You must become more than relevant in people’s lives. You must make yourself indispensable. Live a life that will make everyone needs you. Be the first on their needs list. This can be achieved when you position yourself to always be there for them in all situations. Offer yourself as a sacrifice to build their lives. Let them feel better and great. Just be there to make them feel wow. It will make them include your name on their indispensable list. Your network will now become an enviable one.
BE LIVELY: Ask yourself, who do I always want to be with? Yes, the person you just said, look at her/his life, is she/he lively or not? If anyone is not lively nobody will want to be around him. You just have to be more animated. Some of us don’t bother to create this opportunity for ourselves. We lack simple character that can keep people. Even if you have angelic friend you must have character to keep your friendship. Some of us will say that ‘I don’t beg people to stay in my life, I don’t give shit to anyone. Let them stay or leave.” You said the truth but you are wrong. The simplest life ever is the one that goes along with everybody. The outcome of that
statement is that you lack an animated character. You are just giving excuses to relieve yourself.
You can be like this before but you must learn to be better. Don’t let it be too easy for you to dispel people from your life, it’s not a good idea. You must learn to be lively. Develop a simple character that will make people always want to see you. A little sense of humor will not make it bad. Learn to crack some simple jokes that will break someone’s sadness. Develop a caring habit. Don’t waste your resources given by God. People are your natural resources, learn to attract, manage, and sustain them. They are powerful tools to your greatness.
Always remember that to be magnetic is an attitude, you must live it… Even success is an attitude too, live it. You can do someone a favour by sharing this message and you shall be blessed. Contact us for counsellings, seminars, lectures, motivational programmes and empowerment moments and
God will give us grand to break barriers. Pathfinder: 08162865972, 07066620020. Instagram: Orodiran Oluwatosin Sunday. YOU SHALL SUCCEED.
NOTE: You can read previous series here.