Why should ladies learn to love themselves?

Worrying about your look and trying hard to be like the next person will increase your stress level while playing up negative hormones and leave you to wallow in self-pity and self-disgust.
By Zubby Nwokoye
My dear friend, how many times have you looked at your image in the mirror and actually smiled at yourself because you loved what you saw? Do u feel confident in you looks? Are you happy with your own skin or do you want to look like another person? Is there anything you want to change in your body?
I do not know the varying answers you shall have for the above questions but the truth is that if you love the way you look, you shall be happy and will tend to have a more positive outlook. If you depend on people to always make you feel good about your looks be it your dressing or your shape or size- always wishing for someone to compliment you to make you feel good about yourself- then you’re in for a long ride because beauty is a feeling, it’s not something someone convinces you to feel or a particular clothing you throw on. When you feel beautiful that radiation of joy comes from within and you will be happy and have a good confident boost.
Worrying about your look and trying hard to be like the next person will increase your stress level while playing up negative hormones and leave you to wallow in self-pity and self-disgust.
But the truth is that by looking down on yourself and telling and hating the way you look, you are telling your creator(God) that he made a mistake by creating you and we both know that God created us in his own image and likeness and that he’s perfect. Just think about the heartache you are causing him by hating on yourself, his own creation!
Ladies, love those cellulites, those stretch and birth marks, the freckles, edges and curves, the muscles and straightness but don’t get it wrong, it’s totally okay to want to look good but do so to feel more empowered and confident, not because you want to be like another person while abandoning the unique you. There’s something you have that others want too. Play it up and be the best version of yourself while being original.
“Ladies, love those cellulites, those stretch and birth marks, the freckles, edges and curves, the muscles and straightness but don’t get it wrong, it’s totally okay to want to look good but do so to feel more empowered and confident, not because you want to be like another person while abandoning the unique you. There’s something you have that others want too. Play it up and be the best version of yourself while being original.”