How To Know You’re With The Right Person

By Miracle Udeagha
Hello lovelies! How’s your week going so far?
A lot of things have been happening and each time I’m prompted to come give you guys all the juicy details and also get your opinions but one thing or the other comes up and I end up not doing so.
Usually, we hear stuff like “when you find the special one, you will definitely know” or “if you are with the right person you won’t need to question the relationship”.
I always asked myself questions like “how the hell will I know I’m with the right person when I’m not psychic?” The truth is, these days, a lot of people fake identity while in relationships so it is kind of hard to tell who is real and who is not.
As I developed friendships with people, I began to figure out what it meant to know the right people. Some friendships developed into long term relationships and others ended before they could even begin.
I started to sense when things weren’t going well and when the vibe wasn’t just real. There was no connection in the relationship no matter how hard I tried to create one.
Truth is the older we become, the more we realize that some things are not meant to be and some people are better left at “hello”.
The truth is, these days, a lot of people fake identity while in relationships so it is kind of hard to tell who is real and who is not.
You would ask, “how do I know when I’m with the right person?”
Here are some of the ways, in my opinion, you can figure this out:
The connection is real: You meet someone one minute and the next you are vibing and connecting on another level. It feels like you’ve known this person for a long while. This is what I mean by real connection. Most of the close friends I have now, I connected with real quick after one or two meetings. When I’m around these people, I feel very excited and happy because I can connect with them.
You don’t have to question your place in their lives: If you find yourself constantly questioning where you stand in their lives, then you are probably not with the right person. A real friend or partner shouldn’t make you feel like you don’t belong in their lives.
You don’t have to try too hard to be accepted: A real friendship should involve two people who accept each other with all their flaws and work hard to improve on themselves.
They support your goals or vision: You know those visions that scare the shit out of you? A real friend will support you and make you see reasons why your vision can actually work. He/She will offer help where they can just to ensure you succeed.
The love is real: You guys can quarrel and fight but at the end of the day, you always find your way back to each other because love wins eventually.
Editor’s Note: This article first appeared on MIRA’S-NOT-SO-SECRET-DIARY. CRISPNG obtained permission to republish it. However, it has been slightly modified to reflect our house style. You can read the original article here