Emergence of hook up ‘HK’ in Nupe land and the need for concern

By Maimunat Mohammad Nna
When society faces challenges, especially when it comes to moral misconduct, we are often hasty to blame women and mothers. Yet, both men and women share the responsibility for improving the world.
This investigative report delves into the disturbing developments in Nupe land, where the historical bastion of moral standards is facing a crisis.
For a significant duration, Nupe land has been renowned as a bastion of high moral standards and reference point for young people. However, in recent times, with the emergence of different sad events, it appears that the foundation for nurturing morally upright children has begun to crumble and we have been complacent in ignoring them. This calls for concern.
The Nupe people have upheld an unwavering commitment to moral values and this is encapsulated in the saying “ezanini ma egi’o aman zakanma e kpa egi’o” which translates ‘it takes one person to birth a child but takes the whole community to raise a child’. For the Nupe people, the moral standards is not compromisable, parents are charged with admonishing their wards in all circumstances regardless of the setting, we know that popular saying ” e na egi’wun to susochi to gban gba”
A disconcerting phenomenon known as “HK” has emerged in Nupe Land. This revelation is the result of diligent research and information collected from reliable but anonymous sources around the Nupe communities. “HK” acronym for Hook-up is promiscuity and whoredoms spanning across all age groups. Consequently, a clandestine corporate prostitution network has taken root within Nupe towns, facilitated by agents who broker deals between these women and their clients.
According to one informant, HK has become a prevalent term in Nupe land. To engage their services, one only needs to contact an agent, communicate their budget, and a lady is dispatched to the client’s location. Shockingly, these encounters are often devoid of personal interaction, with some transactions occurring in complete silence.
This investigation unveiled disturbing categorizations within the profession. It appears that there are young girls under 18, those aged 18-25, and a group predominantly consisting of divorcees who are above 25. Pathetically, the causes of moral decay in Nupe land are multifaceted. Moreso ranging from pressure often placed by parents on children to become breadwinners at an early age.
Concurrently, some men are abdicating their roles as husbands and fathers, this has also led to divorce cases. Additionally, a competitive lifestyle among young girls, driven by the desire to emulate their peers in terms of clothing and adornments, has propelled their engagement in the “HK” trade.
The increasing divorce cases in Bida, Lapai, Minna, Agaie, Mokwa, Kutigi and some other Nupe communities is alarming and need to be looked into. Majority of these cases have been attributed to the promiscuity of the couples and, notably, the reluctance of husbands to own up to their responsibilities particularly relating to the welfare and upkeep of the family.
There has been a trend that indicates a shift in family dynamics, household responsibility becoming the woman’s burden. Husbands now predominantly provide tubers and grains, while wives are tasked with transforming these provisions into complete meals.
This places an additional burden on wives, who must also handle other household responsibilities, from sourcing ingredients to procuring books and materials for their children. Often, these expectations are placed upon them without a corresponding source of income, raising questions about the realistic expectations of societal morals.
Personal testimonies confirm these allegations on Nupe men and echo the dire circumstances faced by many women. Amina Isah (not the real name) a mother of nine, narrates her struggles, which includes performing various chores for others, fetching water, and even selling firewood to supplement the meager food her husband sometimes provides.
She speaks of enduring severe beatings whenever she voices her concerns about their household.”There is no job I don’t do, all I am after is the welfare of my children. I don’t need to tell you the severe beatings I get from my husband each time I complain about the state of our house.
Similarly, another mother of two in a Nupe community highlights how she assumes the entire responsibility for her children, despite having a husband. The husbands, she claims, are neglecting their duties and instead spend their resources on younger women.”
They keep saying we are becoming promiscuous, it’s not a thing of pleasure but for some of us it is the last resort. Most of our husbands leave the upkeep of the house to us while they go around spending on young girls outside”
For tetengi (not her real name) a mother of seven in a rural community pointed out the pathetic gender role constructed by the Nupe society where the women are charged with the responsibilities of complementing whatever resources the husband had provided. Society, especially the rural community, has been structured in a way where one of the roles of women is to complement whatever resources the husband has provided.
“Why do you think we farm? Most Nupe women engage in farming like men, while some who do not possess such ability form friendships with capable men. All of these factors contribute to promiscuity among them over time.”
Young girls, especially in rural communities, have developed a strong desire for uniform attire during occasions and covet possessions typically associated with working-class women. Also, unhealthy competition, where owning expensive items such as big phones and fashionable clothing is prioritized over more substantial values.
These young girls are expected to contribute to their own wedding preparation and provide certain household materials to be presented during her wedding as her own contribution. How do they get money to do this? There are countless stories about girls who engage in HK so afford her wedding dress or some part of the occasion.
These desires and more have led them into activities like the “HK” trade, posing a fundamental question: Where are our morals? This phenomenon has raised significant concerns, particularly regarding it’s health and social implications for our society
Disturbingly, some individuals who should be addressing this menace have become accomplices, further complicating efforts to combat this issue. In conclusion, the rising challenges in Nupe Land, particularly the “HK” phenomenon and its associated societal consequences, demand immediate attention, understanding, and collective action to restore the moral fabric of our community.
I call on our elders, our fathers to look into this menace, devise a means to curb or manage it to the nearest minimum. As it serve a potential threat to our society. You all know what I am talking about, we just don’t want to talk about it.