Youth of the Month: Aliyu Kure, the Nigerian bridging digital divide in rural communities

 Youth of the Month: Aliyu Kure, the Nigerian bridging digital divide in rural communities

To Kure, the founder and CEO of Lapai Innovation Lab and Lapai TV, life is not about living for himself; rather, he lives to create change through digital innovation.

The Niger state indigene is dedicated to promoting digital literacy and skills development in rural areas, despite not having a background in computer science. He describes his knowledge of computer science and other digital technologies as purely a gift, noting that he has always been passionate about using technology to drive positive change.

In this interview, CrispNG’s Youth of the Month for June talks about his experience growing up in a rural area and how it shaped his decision to transform the lives of other rural dwellers through digital innovations.

Can we meet you?

I am Aliyu A. Kure, a sociopreneur, digital business innovator, blogger, environmentalist, content creator, digital marketing expert, and serial volunteer.

I hail from Lapai Local Government Area of Niger State, and I graduated from Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai, where I studied Human Kinetics and Health Education (Sport Science).

Tell us about your NGO and what inspired you to start it.

Kure: Our NGO, Lapai Innovation Lab, was founded with the mission to bridge the digital divide in rural communities. The inspiration came from my personal experiences growing up in a rural area where access to technology and digital education was extremely limited.

I realized the transformative power of digital skills and wanted to provide the same opportunities to others. Our goal is to empower individuals with the knowledge and tools they need to thrive in the digital age.

Why Lapai?

Kure: Lapai holds a special place in my heart for its vibrant culture, rich history, and the untapped potential of its people. It is a community brimming with creativity and resilience, yet facing challenges like limited access to digital resources.

By establishing Lapai Innovation Lab and Lapai TV here, I aimed to harness this potential and bridge the digital divide. Lapai’s supportive community spirit and willingness to embrace innovation have been instrumental in our success.

Moreover, by focusing our efforts locally, we can directly address the needs of our community and tailor our programs to maximize impact. Lapai is not just our location; it’s our home, and we are dedicated to paving the way for a brighter digital future here.

What specific digital innovations have you implemented in rural areas, and how have they impacted the communities?

Kure: We have implemented several digital innovations, including an online digital television network (Lapai TV), which is now one of Niger State’s most trusted news platforms, and online marketing platforms for promoting local products and services in Lapai Local Government Area of Niger.

We also conduct digital literacy workshops and have built security platforms to tackle crimes such as rape, gender-based violence, theft, and drug peddling.

Additionally, we have developed online learning platforms tailored for rural users. These initiatives have significantly impacted the communities by providing access to education, enhancing employability, improving security, and fostering entrepreneurship.


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What challenges have you faced in promoting digital literacy and skills in rural areas, and how have you addressed them?

Kure: One of the biggest challenges has been the lack of funds to standardize infrastructure and access advanced technological gadgets.

How do you measure the effectiveness and impact of your digital skills development programs?

Kure: We measure the effectiveness of our programs through various metrics, including the number of participants, the improvement in digital skills, and the success stories of individuals who have benefited from our training.

We also conduct surveys and follow-up interviews to gather feedback and assess the long-term impact on the community. Additionally, we track the increase in local businesses utilizing digital tools and the employment rates of our program graduates.

Can you share your success stories?

Kure: Our journey at Lapai Innovation Lab and Lapai TV has been marked by numerous success stories that reflect our commitment to digital empowerment and community engagement. For instance, we’ve witnessed local entrepreneurs using digital skills acquired through our programs to launch successful businesses, creating employment opportunities within our community.

Our media platform, Lapai TV, has provided a voice for local talents, enabling them to showcase their creativity and stories to a global audience. These achievements underscore our belief in the transformative power of technology to uplift individuals and catalyze economic growth.

What partnerships or collaborations have been crucial to the success of your digital initiatives in rural communities?

Kure: Partnerships with local governments, educational institutions, and private sector organizations have been crucial to our success. For instance, collaborations with tech companies have allowed us to access cutting-edge technology and resources, while partnerships with local schools and community centers have helped us reach a wider audience. These collaborations provide the necessary support and infrastructure to implement our programs effectively.

What future plans or goals does your NGO have for expanding digital innovations and skills acquisition in rural areas?

Kure: Our future plans include expanding our reach to more remote areas, developing new digital literacy curricula that address the specific needs of different communities, and leveraging emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and blockchain.

We also aim to establish a network of digital hubs that serve as community centers for learning, innovation, and entrepreneurship. By doing so, we hope to create a sustainable ecosystem that supports continuous digital growth and development.

What’s your advice to youths?

Kure: My advice to youths is to embrace technology and continuously seek to improve their digital skills. The world is rapidly changing, and digital literacy is becoming increasingly important in every field. Don’t be afraid to explore new technologies, take online courses, and participate in digital communities.

Most importantly, use your skills to make a positive impact in your community and beyond. Remember, the key to success is lifelong learning and the willingness to adapt to new challenges.

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