The fault in our tussle

By Jessica Otaikhor Osagie
Life is like the ocean
Full of struggle and Tussle
A vacuum of extreme commotion
The opening of our infantile eyes comes rustle
The closing of our frail eyes brings agitation
The early days were pure and fun
Joy’ just like the rain, unadulterated
Although it didn’t last long but the memories linger
Adulthood came knocking
Soon accompanied by responsibilities
Our journey has began full of thorn and tussle
We made mistakes… Several times we wished to turn back the hands of time
But no one said it was ever easy
We embraced religion for solace
Non was found, we turned to love
It was not the remedy
From love to child bearings, to luxury and lifestyle none seem comforting
Our desires has no limit? What exactly can bring us our early joy?
With each year passing, our lives becomes exponentially complicated
Stretched beyond limit and drained of energy.
The body now so frail
The brain, almost lost all its grasp
We are stuck with an endless desires
We resort to finding what makes us happy amidst the tussle..
In our dying bed we wished
If only we had Crafted our lives into the purest form of our endless desires.
Jessica Otaikhor Osagie is a graduate of theatre and media arts from
Ambrose Alli University Ekpoma, in Edo State. She hails from Idumodu community,
Okaigben Ewohimi, Esan South East, Edo state. She is a script writer, poet and also into film production.