Strife for peace

By Jessica Otaikhor Osagie
Bun in the oven
I sometimes dreamt of freedom
Leader and civilian earthquake
In a unclear land
A slowly death rate
Many in the random of 365 days
My soul is wearing
Clock alarm buzz
Like the Onion strife for peace
The hand is entangled
She fight for freedom
I feel trapped and all alone
Do others feel trapped also?
Or is it only me?
I run for life
The fate of the breast in God’s hand
Wealth over the interest
Flag is honor, loyalty, love peace
A trigger is pulled
Admidst public view
Brinks of bones on benches
Sparkling eyes in the dark
It strain for light
Who do we offend?
Who will make the land made?
We stand for peace
Oh the strength of our hero
Walking slowly in formation to destruction
When gunfire in the air
Innocent meet with the almighty
Oh oh creator
All I need is peace and justice
The land is blessed.
Jessica Otaikhor Osagie is a graduate of theatre and media arts from
Ambrose Alli University Ekpoma, in Edo State. She hails from Idumodu community, Okaigben Ewohimi, Esan South East, Edo state. She is a script writer, poet and also into film production.