Sex, respect… 25 things that can strengthen your relationship, marriage

 Sex, respect… 25 things that can strengthen your relationship, marriage

In other to have a loving, lasting and strong relationship/marriage, there are certain things we need to do to achieve that. This article states twenty five of them.

  1. Trust
  2.  Transparency
  3. Mutual understanding
  4. Effective communication
  5.  Common/mutual goals
  6.  Loving each other
  7. Appreciating each other
  8.  Honesty
  9.  Sex
  10. Loyalty
  11. Act of service
  12. Mutual respects
  13. Respecting of boundaries
  14. Tolerance
  15. Patience
  16. Gifting each other
  17. Spending quality time together
  18. Encouraging each other
  19. Supporting each other
  20. Mutual commitment
  21. Shared interest
  22. Consistency
  23. Ability to apologize even when not at  fault
  24. Praying together
  25. Ability to compromise for each other.


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