My Lamba diary (5)

By Ikenna Amadi
“Good is the enemy of great.” -Jim Collins, author of Good to Great
In life, the only constant phenomenon is change. This implies that man cannot avoid the reality of change.
However, it is pertinent to affirm that every successful individual longs for progressive change rather than regressive. Every right thinking fellow wants to be better than he was yesterday. This is strength.
Often times, people are coyed into believing that good is enough, and they rest on their laurels. That is an unforgivable pathway to mediocrity.
In football, there is a popular saying that you are as good as your last game, but for you to be successful and reach heights, your achievements yesterday should not count to you, but rather aim to achieve more and beat the previous achievement. That is how to live a life of excellence.
Great people don’t rely on their past achievements, they see it as tonics and look for ways to break that feat. That is the best way to be a demigod in people’s eyes.
When you set the goals for yourself and achieve it, you don’t relax, but rather you set more goals that beats the previous feat. This makes your life exciting and filled with groundbreaking achievements.
Mediocrity should be a sin in your eyes, achieving greatness should be an anthem as breaking records and setting another one will take you to supreme heights.
There is a thin line between good and great, avoid being caught in the crossroad of mediocrity. It is an enemy to your greatness.
Think about it.