Jesus Christ has risen above all infectious diseases

By Victor Akuma
Lately, the world has been exeperiencing one of the greatest threats to humanity in the 21st century. It seems everyone is gradually fading away even when the world has God and several other gods.
So many can’t take it any longer, some have even taken their own lives when confirmed they are positive, some are waiting for their turn to die while others are just living by faith.
They say over 1.5 million of the world’s population have been infected in just four months.
Many can’t even stay at home any longer because they are dying of hunger, they have take their own fate. Hunger to them now is more deadlier than the virus.
African index case has tripled itself within days, death toll is already beyond 500 in the continent, governments are getting weaker, they have exhausted all strategies all to no avail.
Who do we run to, Churches are closed, other religions have been shutdown too to curtail the spread, how do we pray together, how do we join forces in prayers and cry to God.
Close friends have been lost, great brains have been lost, family members are gone, worst still you can’t claim the corpse, you can’t even come for the burial lest you become a victim, we have become afraid of everything.
We no longer hug, we don’t shake, our affections are gradually growing cold, everyone is a suspect, family bonds are getting weaker, developed nations can’t even help herself anymore.
The streets are dry, the highways are left desolate, higher institutions are already overwhelmed by weeds, government is clamping down on markets, even makeshift markets can’t operate all day.
There is trouble in the land, who do we run to, who do we call for help, who do we narrate our ordeals to, who could respond expeditely, whose shade shall comfort us?
These and a lot more are uncleared puzzles many across the world are demanding answers for.
Be encouraged, take solace, the risen Christ is not asleep he knows the problems that assail us, he’s aware we need help, he’s quiet because he has his reasons, he didn’t abandon us, he has never abandoned any of his own right from antiquity, he won several battles for the Isrealites, even the plague he allowed to befall Egyptians didn’t last forever, he knows what he is doing and he will end this in his time.
You might not believe but just keep it at hope, hope he comes to our aid because I know he will.
I pray the risen lord heal’s our land and make the face of the earth new again. AmenHappy Easter dear friends.