Is my partner allowed to check my phone? Here’s what to know

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A thin line exists between trust and privacy but curiosity lies between the invading border.
In an era where smartphones store our secrets and darkest fears, is it okay if your patner checks your phone?
Here are Seven things to know
- It’s natural for your patner to get curious about your life: If a partner loves you, they will be pushed to know what’s going on in your life.
- It’s crucial to know if your patner really trusts you: Relationship is built on trust, respect and open communication. Do you trust your patner enough?
- Constant surveillance and policing behaviour is a sign: If your partner is constantly checking your phone, social media, or emails without your consent, it’s a clear sign of insecurity or possessiveness.
- Accusations and Arguments: Frequent and unfounded accusations of infidelity or deception can affect trust and lead to unnecessary conflict.
- Lack of Personal Space and too controlling: if your patner is making you to feel constantly monitored and controlled. It can stifle your individuality and make you feel like you’re being suffocated.
- Extremely jealous: being jealous isn’t bad but when your patner is alwas jealous to a fault. Gets so edgy over who calls you, monitors your texts and who you talk to. It could be a big red sign.
- Seizes your phone/digital footprint: if your patner seizes your phone over little quarrel and blocks your social media presence, that could be a red flag.
Here’s what to do
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- Have an open communication: calmly and honestly converse with your patner about your concerns. Remember assumption is the lowest level of knowlege.
- Listen attentively to your patner as they confess their fears.
- Clear their doubts or insecurities: by being honest and truthful.
- Set boundaries: establish clear guidelines for phone usage and privacy
- Find a mutual balance.