Is my partner a narcissist? Here’s how to

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Recognizing narcissistic traits in a partner can be difficult, especially when emotions are involved. Love can becloud your senses and make you overlook things you ought to consider before saying I do.
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Narcissism is beyond the definition of self-centred or selfish behaviour; it’s most times a psychological disorder termed Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), a clinically recognised state known with traits like lack of empathy, an inflated ego, and over-centred admiration. Narcissists always want to be in the spotlight for attention.
If you are questioning whether your partner is a narcissist, this article will expose a lot for you. Let’s dig in.
Key signs your partner might be a narcissist
Narcissism has two primary subtypes: grandiose narcissism, marked by overt arrogance and being full of themselves, and vulnerable narcissism, characterised by insecurity and hypersensitivity to criticism. These ones are so self-conscious and overthink issues.
Key identifying signs include:
Lack of Empathy
Partners with narcissistic tendencies tend to lack concern for others’ feelings. This is one of the most consistent traits in narcissists. They always struggle to validate your emotions or recognise your needs. Could your partner be one?
Grandiose Self-Image
They tend to exaggerate their accomplishments or expect preferential treatment. They always see themselves bigger than they really are. For example, they might demand special treatment in social or professional settings, even when it’s unwarranted.
Manipulative Behaviour/unaccountability
Narcissistic partners would often use manipulation to maintain control. They make you question your sense of reasoning, as their common tactic is gaslighting. That is making you question your perception of reality or guilt-trapping you through emotional blackmail to achieve their goals. They always shift blame and never accept their error.
Control and Dominance
They would often dominate decision-making as long as they are in a relationship with you. Most times, they may disregard your input or insist on making choices that solely benefit them. They love being in charge. These partners are controlling. Does your partner fit this description? They might be one.
Excessive Need for Admiration
A narcissistic partner will always seek compliments and validation, but they rarely give it. And if you don’t shower, then that admiration, they may react angrily or withdraw into themselves. This behaviour is what psychologists call “narcissistic injury.”
Easily offended
Narcissistic partners will always flare up at the slightest provocation. They pick offences, and most of the time what you don’t think may constitute an issue becomes one for them. They always like to make a mountain out of a molehill (blow things out of proportion).
Being in a relationship with a narcissist can lead to emotional exhaustion, create a feeling of inadequacy in you, and even affect your mental health. It’s a traumatising thing to deal with.
What you should do
Set boundaries and protect your inner peace; suggest therapy for them, and if they don’t want to change, let them go.
As long as you are with a narcissist partner, you will never be enough for them.