Is Islam a Misogynistic Religion?

Earlier today, I wrote snd published a now-viral piece titled ‘Are You a Christian or a Jew?’ and a commenter wrote on my comments section that Islam is a misogynistic religion because it allows polygamy, and I laughed.
Of all peoples on Earth, it is my theory that Sub-Saharan Black folk are most susceptible to media manipulation. I do not know why. But I think it might have to do with our culture. With some exceptions (especially Ethiopia and Eritrea), we tend to believe negative things without question and have a propensity to seek evidence about positive things before we believe them.
And too often, even when the evidence is produced, we still will not believe it.
For example, when someone recently said Nigeria’s economy is in shambles, there was mass hysteria in support of that postulation amongst Southern Nigerians, even though no data or empirical facts were presented to support that conclusion.
Then, the International Monetary Fund and the National Bureau of Statistics reported that Nigeria’s GDP had grown much better than expected, with the NBS Reporting a growth of 3.46% and published detailed data about where, when, and how the growth came about.
Yet, many Nigerians were sceptical and accused their government of bribing the IMF and NBS, even though they produced empirical statistics.
As a people, we have a confirmation bias for negative news. We can contribute money for a funeral, because burials are a celebration of positive news. Yet, we hardly fundraise to send our poor relatives to school because education is something positive.
Go ahead and tell me I am lying if you dare!
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Please fact-check me. The Middle East and North Africa, also known as the MENA Region, has the lowest prostate cancer rates on Earth, as well as the lowest prostate-specific antigen rate of any race on the planet. They also have the lowest HIV and STD rates.
Can you imagine that in the same continent where you have the highest HIV rate? North African Muslim Arabs have been able to secure the lowest HIV rate on the planet with their Middle-East brethren. Southern Africans have the highest. What a contrast!
In Africa, where Islam is strongest, HIV is weakest. And where Orthodox Christianity is stronger, HIV is weaker. But where European-style Christianity is strongest, HIV is also strongest. You be the judge of what these facts posit.
The risk of developing prostate cancer is 27% for Black males, 12% for White males, and 7% for Asian males in the MENA Region. Please assume I am lying and fact-check me.
And it is not just the MENA region. When you look at the prevalence of prostate cancer by geographical zones, everywhere Islam is strong, prostate cancer is weak. This includes Asia, North Africa, and the Indian subcontinent. Of course, you should know that Islam goes hand in hand with polygamy.
The MENA region and Eastern and Southern Asia also have the lowest rate of unwed mothers.
Please fact-check me. In New York, almost as many Black babies are aborted than are born by their mothers.
In 2022, the Lozier Institute reported that 45% of Black pregnancies ended in abortion in New York. Nationally, in the United States, it is reported that Black women terminated pregnancies at a rate of 67.3 per 1,000, a rate far higher than any other racial or ethnic group.
So, if you think that these facts (please go ahead and fact-check me) project Islam as misogynistic, then it must mean that misogyny is good for your health, especially female reproductive health.
I would rather live in the MENA region than live in the place on Earth where women have (according to them) the highest empowerment on Earth-New York.
Reno Omokri
Gospeller. Deep Thinker. #TableShaker. Ruffler of the Feathers of Obidents. #1 Bestselling author of Facts Versus Fiction: The True Story of the Jonathan Years. Hodophile. Hollywood Magazine Humanitarian of the Year, 2019. Business Insider Influencer of the Year 2022.