How to make your purpose count (4)

Conceptual hand writing showing Live Longer And Better By Finding Your Purpose. Business photo text Look for a goal set mission Man hand holding poster important protest message blue background
By Orodiran Oluwatosin
“The fastest means to success is purpose”
Sometimes back, I had a friend who seemed not to be doing well in the way of life. Several times we spent a lot of time together, talking about life and how we could get the best out of it. But I suspected this my friend didn’t have a problem with life, he had a problem with himself. He always counted on what he didn’t have. He would say that if he had this, he would have done this and that. Seriously, the mistake my friend was making was that he focused too much on what he didn’t have rather than what he had and this kept on drawing him back every moment.
…the mistake my friend was making was that he focused too much on what he didn’t have rather than what he had and this kept on drawing him back every moment.
Majority of us are like this. We tend to build our lives on several things we don’t have; talents we don’t have, opportunities we don’t have, resources we don’t have, wife we don’t have, relationship we don’t have, connection we don’t have and lot more. Instead we need to turn our lives towards the direction of what we have at our disposal. It’s what we have that counts for us and what we can build our lives on. The greatest achievement comes from the resources at hand. Nobody builds on mirage and succeeds. You have to work with what you have and not with what you are hoping for. Get yourself involved in this game today and start living your life.
We tend to build our lives on several things we don’t have; talents we don’t have, opportunities we don’t have, resources we don’t have, wife we don’t have, relationship we don’t have, connection we don’t have and lot more. Instead we need to turn our lives towards the direction of what we have at our disposal.
Today we are glad to continue from where we stopped in our last edition: Make Your Time Count. And in this chapter we have been considering the topic: Make Your Purpose Count. If you have missed any of our previous messages and you are keen to benefit from them, just kindly get in touch with us through our contact details and we shall attend to you in a jiffy.
Over some weeks now, we have been looking at why we need to get our purpose right. But today we are shifting forward to check how to identify our purpose. This question has been a common question from people in every of my encounter so far. Even, more than 80% of the young people I have been able to talk to ask this question. It tells me sometimes that our major challenge sometimes is not that we don’t work our purposes but we don’t know how to recognize ours. It means billions of us are just trying to fix our lives without any aims. I suspect the world problem is on this, having people who do not know how to realize their purposes. Therefore, we shall focus this in our series.
Recognizing your purpose in life can be so tough or easy. It depends on some factors. There are some of us who have a favorable start to life, I mean our lives start by growing towards what we are meant to do in life. To the people that belong to this group, getting their purpose will be so easy. But some of us don’t find ourselves in a very clear field like that, we just have to manage to fix what our passion for life is. It’s not that we are less advantage but factors like environment and parental guide affect a lot. But something is common to us all, we all need to find purpose. Let’s see factors that can help us to do that:
- Explore What You Love Doing: We are all born with a deep and meaningful purpose to discover. Our purpose is not something that comes from the thin sky, it’s something within us that we just need to bring out. You can get this by asking yourself a simple question. “What do I love doing?” Your answer to this question can give you a headway. There must be something that gains your love. Something you feel adorable in doing. Something that gives you joy all the time. I have a friend who loves singing, every time he wants either to sing or to listen to some tracks. Here am I, my interest is not in music, rather, I always want to encourage people, get them on the right paths and help them fulfil their lives. I am so in love with these. Now, yours might be teaching, rendering helps, creative arts, hospitality, sports etc. You just have to realize what gives you joy and makes you feel loved. It’s a signal to your purpose. You may need to work on it, the best musician still practices. It may take a long time to prepare yourself but believe me, it is worth it. You are what you love to do.
You just have to realize what gives you joy and makes you feel loved. It’s a signal to your purpose.
Don’t forget to read from us next week, we know you will never regret.
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