How Nigeria can tackle prostitution, Yahoo Yahoo

If we want to restore the moral fabric of Nigerian society, our government must step in. Ban the importation of wigs and weave-ons. Not only are we spending $200 million annually on them as a nation, which is putting downward pressure on our Naira. It is also pushing our women to engage in all sorts of hook-ups to get money to afford some of these outrageously priced hairs.
Next, non-student and non-staff males should be prohibited from entering university campuses after evening hours. If a male who is not a student, lecturer, or nonacademic staff is driving into a university campus, and he cannot prove with documentary evidence that he is the parent of a student, then he is going in there for prostitution.
And once these men corrupt young girls, they damage them for life. These girls are exposed to a lifestyle they cannot maintain, except they have sugar daddies. And they then lose their ability to respect their male counterparts. How do you expect a female undergraduate who is sleeping with a Senator and calling him by his first name, to respect her fellow male students or even her lecturers?
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Thirdly, we ought to introduce legislation placing caps on how much can be spent on weddings and funerals. Our society has become so commercialized and materialistic, such that young men are put under immense pleasure to look for millions of Naira to either waste on weddings or burials. And this is fuelling a crime wave. I cannot count how many bandits and kidnappers have said in their confessional videos that they went into crime to raise money for either their marriage or their parents’ or in-laws’ burial.
Especially in some parts of Southern Nigeria, the mantra is, ‘Get money in whatever way you can’. Some such people even defend fraud and Yahoo as ‘brain pass brain’. You have a brain, and you cannot even manufacture toothpicks. You have to import it from China!
And finally, the Ministry of Information and the National Orientation Agency. They must work with Nollywood to reduce the glamorization of ostentatious displays of wealth and wanton materialism, as well as the glorification of Yahoo Yahoo. Let us produce movies that have morals and promote virtues. If necessary, do what President Goodluck Jonathan did and give them grants to motivate them to put Nigeria first and beam morals to their audience.
Something must be done to halt the collapse of the moral fabric of our society, and even the Body of Christ must press the brakes on the way our men of God display wealth as if money is the result of Christianity. You will notice I did not mention the Muslim Ummah. This is because, if you are honest, you will admit that this is a Christian issue. Muslim clerics tend to be modest in their lifestyle. Or am I lying?
By Reno Omokri