Five tips you need for a successful marriage

 Five tips you need for a successful marriage

By Esther Innocent

“A great marriage is not when the ‘perfect couple’ comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences” — Dave Meurer. 

In recent times, marriage is seen as endurance rather than enjoyment. Undoubtedly, marriage has it ups and downs, implying that no marriage is perfect. 

However, couples must learn to figure out few things and adjust with each other after years of being together.

Whether newly married or married for ten years, love, empathy, honesty, Communication, care, go a long way in helping any relationship. 

Again, as a couple, you should know that every couple is outstanding, and what worked for your grand parents or parents, or your best friend and her husband might be the opposite of what works or will work for you and your partner. 

Though, you could learn from them all but be mindful of were you get your inspiration from. A lot of marriages have been destroyed just because they let others guide them on what is wrong in their relationship. 

Have you been desiring a successful marriage? Do you feel your marriage has lost the spice it used to have before? Are you recently married or about to and you want a glorious home?

 Then, these amazing five tips are for you!! You cannot afford not to read through, because they will serve you for lifetime. 

FEAR OF GOD: For every home that must be successful, a strong relationship with God is required. As he is the bedrock of every happy home. 

The Bible states” the fear of the Lord, is the beginning of wisdom”. Admittedly, every home needs wisdom, knowledge and understanding to make it work however, these comes by having the fear of God,  then by believing and accepting Him to take preeminence in your home. 

 If you needed God to save you from life challenges, then you need his guidance much more in your home.

ACCEPTANCE: Lack of accepting who our spouse are, is the major relationship killer. It is said that in every man, there are three things; a boy who always wants to play; a king who is in charge; and a little fool who claims he knows everything. 

Hence, accepting that this is just the way men are and knowing that there’s no point in fighting what can’t be changed, gives your home a credit. Accept each other the way you’re. Accept the change, because that’s the secret for any successful home and the earlier you do, the better. 

BE ROMANTIC: Being romantic here is not just all about sex, it’s beyond. It entails those vibes you add to marriage, that makes it memorable, like, complementing instead of completing each other, giving gifts, showing surprises, being a playmate, giving her 13 meaningful touches.

According to research, it is said, that a woman needs 13 meaningfulness touches a day. 

COMMUNICATION: Communication is built not born. Lack of Communication has killed so many marriages. To communicate means to have a heart to heart talk with your partner. It involves listening not hearing. 

Being good together does not mean that couples agree on everything. So, agree to disagree. Open your heart, hear what she or he has to say, look at her while she speaks, paraphrase even and reassure. Respect the point of view of one another. Communicate love, emotions, compassion, care etc. and believe me you, your marriage will be memorable!!

NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF “I LOVE YOU”, “I’M SORRY” SUBMISSION: These three things work magic. After a few years of marriage, couples might start to lead the life in auto mode. They will hardly have time for each other. Overfamiliarity tension, stress could occur in the process, which might even lead to some marital issues but just these three things could take a U-turn in your marriage.

It will make your partner realize that you’re there everyday, you care, you love, and you know your responsibility. It nurtures your marriage bond. 

In conclusion, there is no shortage of marriage tips. However, you will be glad you put these few listed above into practice.

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