‘End of Days’: How Sylvia Browne predicted conoravirus outbreak in 2008

By Euphemia Nwele
Truth is there would always exist a form of warning or prediction about things in the world, but how well do our leaders take these predictions into consideration?
In the book ‘End of Days (predictions about the end of the world)’ written in 2008, Slyaa Browne, American author, tackles the most daunting of subjects with her trademark clarity, wisdom, and serenity by answering: what’s coming in the next 50 years?
What the prophecies of the book of revelation mean, and what will unfold in the world’s final hours?
“In around 2020 a severe pneumonia-like illness will spread throughout the globe, attacking the lungs and bronchial tubes and resisting treatments. Almost more baffling than the illness itself will be the fact that it will suddenly vanish as quickly as it arrived…”
Browne in her book predicted that a pneumonia-like illness would spread across the globe in 2020, with the spread of coronavirus, the accuracy of her prediction has increased the book purchase and drawn attention to other theories she has.
Coronavirus is an outbreak that is at the verge of destroying human relationship and correlation as it has put to a halt most religious and social activities all over the world but in all, Africa seems to be a distinct country from the world we are living in as they are the least affected country by the virus.
Corona virus commonly known as COVID-19 belongs to the family of respiratory diseases like common cold, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-CoV) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV).
COVID-19 can be found in animals like cats, bats, camels and herds especially cattle. COVID-19 was first reported on 31st December, 2019 in Wuhan, China but was officially named by the World health Organization on 11th February, 2020. Nations as well as international agencies have come together in a mist of combatting the wide spread of this virus.
Most countries have closed their borders to immigrants from China currently and have also put in measures to quarantine does already in the countries that arrived during the period of the outbreak.
Common symptoms of COVID-19 includes respiratory symptoms like that found in common cold, fever , cough, breathing difficulties, shortness of breath and in more severe cases after some time lapses includes pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and subsequently death.
According to World meters, the virus is affecting 176 countries and territories with death toll hitting 8,967 with over 219,239 recorded cases all over the world.
However, African countries especially Nigeria is yet to witness the full force of the epidemic and we can only wonder why? Nigeria is allegedly immune to the spread of epidemics as even in the time of the outbreak of Ebola only few cases were recorded.
In a bid to curtail the effects of the situation president Donald Trump signs bill to ensure paid leave for many Americans as the virus affects the labour market. Other countries are also taking restrictive travel measures to combat the virus.
According to the WHO report, COVID-19 can be prevented by regular washing of hands, covering of the mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing, thoroughly cooking of meat and eggs, avoiding contact with anyone exhibiting symptoms of respiratory illness such as coughing and sneezing.
Well, we hope that just as Browne was right in her prediction about coronavirus, she will also be on its sudden disappearance as the world intensifies search for a vaccine to the killer virus.