Create, write, nurse it … How to act your dream (1)

By Sunday Orodiran
We bless God once again for his faithfulness and mercy over us. We come every week on this rostrum to reach the people of God in His grace. We pray that as we constantly look into the mirror of God for better lives, God will change our stories for better in Jesus name.
In previous weeks, we have tried to look at dream and its importance to our destiny. We also established that it’s necessary for us to test our dream before we begin to process it. This is Inescapable because we must take consciousness that every dream has a purpose and the purpose must benefit humanity. However, today, we shall be making our journey up to the process of realizing our dreams.
It’s been noticed that people do dream one time or the other but along the way most tend to forget their dreams or die with their dreams without realization. It’s become a major issue in the mind of God and God is really ready to put us back on track.
We are the only factor that will decide on our dreams. We are the ones to take up our dreams and let them become reality. It takes conscious actions to establish any dream. But so many of us dream and later go to bed without working on how our dream will be established.
Some of us take easy roads that kill our phantasms. All these are the enemies that stop us from taking our dreams to fulfillment. For this reason, we must imbibe the culture of taking actions before and after dreaming to help us make our dreams some realities.
1. Create Your Dream: Your destiny begins to take a shape the moment you begin to create your own dream. Dream is something that you have to create yourself. You have to make sure you have a dream for your life. There is no time one cannot dream but it’s good to start early. Your life will only take pattern after the kind of dream you have. You must get your own dream before someone else hires you to fulfill his. It’s too costly in life not to have a dream. A life without any dream is a baseless life. Don’t make yourself an entity of nothing; get a purpose you want to live for.
2. Write your dream: Some people think this point is evitable. Have you ever thought of it, why do people forget their dreams? We need to commit habit of documenting our minds. Some people in life had had some good dreams but they forgot their dreams along the way. It’s because it’s not documented. Get a diary for yourself; write out every detail about your dream. This will never be erased and visiting your dairy every time will help you to remind yourself what your life is.
3. Nurse your dream: There is no dream that is capable of taking effect instantly. It takes a time to nurture up every dream. So, it’s good that you feed on your dream. Take it to your inner circle and begin to mediate on it until it becomes part of your thought. Make your dream the priority of your heart and never let it out. Let it become the picture you see in your mind everyday of your life. Think about it every time and every day. It will help you to come out with full dimension that your dream will take. A dream that is nursed in the heart takes no easy route to the grave.
As we continue next week, it’s our prayer that YOU SHALL SUCCEED.
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