Black Inhaler

By Jessica Otaikhor Osagie
From time immemorial
Black has inhale much more than enough into the lungs
Micro – assault racial violence
Convict labor all for being black
Do you want us to believe born black is a crime?
This reminds me that black folks will continue to battle for humanity and equality
tales upon tales have been passed from generations of how we have been trodden under booths
Does it affect the creator on our side?
Oh oh oh yes
The Almighty is with us.
Oh I remember tales slavery
No one is born slave
But some are born free
Even then and now?
They came with promises of civilization
We have endured the meanest humiliation and still standing
What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger
This conviction baked deeply in my heart
No social justice or love
And it has kept us going.
Black means king.
Jessica Otaikhor Osagie is a graduate of theatre and media arts from
Ambrose Alli University Ekpoma, in Edo State. She hails from Idumodu community, Okaigben Ewohimi, Esan South East, Edo state. She is a script writer, poet and also into film production.