Before Kukelle Language goes into extinction

By James Lukpata
Ukelle as a nation had lost her quintessence right from the very time English language was surreptitiously introduced in our elementary schools to replace Kukelle Language at the expense of grassroot development that would have come through self-development and firmed grip of our mother tongue otherwise referred to as our original language.
It could be recalled that at the time that Kukelle Language was taught in schools, learning was quite easy, understandable and interesting but as soon as attention began to shift to the teaching and learning of the English language, learning process became cumbersome.
As I pondered on why the once revered Kukelle Language is on the blink to extinction, I came across some books such as the Holy Bible, story books, hymns among others written purely in Kukelle, our mother tongue. I was so ambivalence without knowing what to do exactly whether to appreciate or discredit the effort of those who have invested their wealth of experience to preserving the Kukelle language through such publications.
On further enquiry I asked if the surviving Kukelle texts were published in America but to my utmost dismayed it was revealed that Kukelle has a publishing house known as “Kukelle Literacy Centre” Or labbun -a- luvva Kukelle.
It is regrettable and appalling that such a common identity of a people that is supposedly served as our emblem is allowed to rot due to negligence and lack of commitment to preserve, protect and safeguard the public institution.
It is a common knowledge that no nation in the world can be properly identified without a concerted effort to developing its language. Therefore, Ukelle cannot be an exception. We must return to the drawing board with a view to inculcating the nitty-gritty of the Kukelle language to every Ukelle persons especially the youths.
Finally, all hands must be on deck to bring back the Kukelle Literacy Centre at Wanikaade.