Apply: Winner to get N10m as entries for global D-Prize competition open

 Apply: Winner to get N10m as entries for global D-Prize competition open

The Education Champions League (ECL), a non-governmental organization (NGO) dedicated to educational initiatives, has launched an ambitious campaign aimed at fostering a culture of reading among students in Rivers State. 

Headed by Eme Ekekwe, the chairman of the ECL board, the initiative seeks to address the declining interest in reading among youths.

In a press release issued on a Thursday morning, Ekekwe outlined the organization’s plans for a quiz competition slated for September. The competition, he emphasized, is not merely about testing academic knowledge but about promoting a deeper engagement with literature and critical thinking skills.

Ekekwe announced substantial cash prizes to incentivize participation and excellence in the competition. The winner stands to receive a significant sum of N10 million, with the first and second runners-up awarded N5 million and N2.5 million, respectively.

These substantial rewards are intended to underscore the importance of the initiative and encourage widespread participation.

The competition’s focus extends beyond rote memorization, aiming instead to assess students’ comprehension, writing prowess, and analytical abilities—all crucial components of effective literacy.

Ekekwe stressed the broader societal implications of nurturing a generation of informed and conscientious leaders, starting from the secondary school level.

“We want to begin to build the core of Nigerians interested in leadership and in being good citizens,” Ekekwe asserted. “By cultivating these skills early on, we hope to instill a sense of responsibility and integrity in future leaders, addressing the deficiencies we currently observe in leadership.”

The selected reading materials for the competition reflect a diverse range of subjects, including politics and governance. Ekekwe highlighted titles such as ‘Fellow Nigerians; It’s All Politics’ by Simon Kolawole, ‘The Arc of the Possible’ by Waziri Adio, and ‘On a Platter of Gold’ by Bolaji Abdullahi.

These books were chosen not only for their literary merit but for their ability to provoke critical thought and stimulate discussion among participants.

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Ekekwe emphasized the transformative power of reading, contrasting it with the often superficial content found on social media platforms. “A book leads you through a process, which is invaluable, whereas most of what is on social media is not material for leadership or good citizenship,” he remarked passionately.

He urged young people to prioritize reading as a means of understanding their environment and grappling with complex issues.

In conclusion, the Education Champions League’s quiz competition represents a proactive step towards nurturing a generation of literate, thoughtful, and socially responsible individuals.

Through this initiative, the organization aims to lay the foundation for a brighter future, characterized by enlightened leadership and active civic engagement.

Apply here.

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