5 signs to know someone is madly in love with you

 5 signs to know someone is madly in love with you

These signs collectively show that the person is in love with you, cherishes your presence, and wants a lasting relationship.

1. Constant Attention: When someone is deeply in love, they give you their undivided attention. They prioritize spending quality time with you, actively listening to your thoughts and feelings, and showing genuine interest in your life.

2. Thoughtful Gestures: They go out of their way to do little things that make you feel special.

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This can include surprising you with small gifts, planning thoughtful dates or surprises, and remembering important details about your life.

3. Emotional Vulnerability: Love involves being vulnerable and opening up emotionally. If they freely share their fears, dreams, and insecurities with you, it’s a clear sign that they trust you and have deep feelings for you.

4. Support and Encouragement: When someone loves you, they want to see you thrive. They will support your ambitions, cheer you on in your endeavors, and be there for you during both triumphs and setbacks.

5. Future Planning: If they consistently include you in their plans, it’s a strong indicator of their love and commitment. They talk about long-term goals, make plans for trips or events together, and envision a future that involves you.

Remember, love is a multi-faceted emotion, and it’s essential to consider these signs alongside open communication and mutual respect.

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