5 proven ways to handle a cheating patner: Here’s how

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Being with a cheating patner is like having your teeth on a sour grape; it always sets you on the edge.
It can shatter your trust, erode your self-esteem, and leave you feeling lost and confused.
However, there are proven strategies to navigate this painful experience and emerge stronger than ever.
You too can wholesomely heal when you utilize these steps:
- Embrace the reality: most partner won’t come to terms with the truth. They would rather say “my partner loves me, he or she can’t cheat on me.” My dear, don’t live in delusion. They can cheat on you and they have done so. Embrace the truth. That’s the first weapon.
- Process your emotion: Don’t suppress your emotions, free them. Give yourself the permission to cry, get angry, shout, yell. Yes, you are human. You need to let out those vapours.
- Have an honest conversation: After you have processed your emotions, communicate with your partner. Let them know your thought and how you feel about the cheating scandal.
- Seek help: If your partner admits their fault and is willing to change. Seek for a therapist, coach or mentor that will help you both ride over the storm. This is one of the most hardest phases. Forgiveness is paramount here. But if your partner sees cheating as their human make – up, then look at the fifth step.
- Make a decision: To stay or to leave. Take your time, think it through. Put yourself into consideration. Your mental, emotional and total wellbeing.
To spice it up, act on your decision. Don’t lose yourself in a relationship with a partner who doesn’t recognize your worth or value your person.
Remember it’s your life here dear. Pioritize yourself.
Practice these DIY(Do It Yourself) Routines
- Don’t be so hard on yourself.
- Be patient. It’s a phase,it will soon pass.
- Practice self love, self care.
- Confide in a worthy person. Sharing a problem is halving it.
- Engage in yoga, hit gym or anything as a distraction. It could be books.
- Pick up your life. Invest in yourself, your dream.
And finally, always speak positive.
Stand before a mirror and repeat after me ” I’m brave. I’m beautiful. I’m important, I’m of great value.”
And there your healing begins!