2021: I am with you

By Gabriel Agbo
In the midst of this global confusion we shall continue to experience his peace and blessings. God is with you and he will be making this very clear to you and those around you this year. He will manifest as he has never been. He will prove himself strong and powerful on your behalf. You will not struggle again to show that. He will prove that he is still your God and has not abandoned you after all.
The doors that have been shut against you will open now. Hope you heard that very well? Mark it. Write it down. New grace, new abilities, new opportunities are coming out this situation. Are you not already seeing them? They will beg you to receive the blessings. I am seeing mine. I am seeing things that I have not experienced before new doors, new anointing, new breakthrough, ‘waters coming out of dry ground’ etc.
Things that have been working against you will now begin to work in your favour. That ‘thorn in your flesh’, will be removed. Yes, it will. Those that doubted or ridiculed you will come to praise God with you. Those that maltreated you will rush to apologize to you. Those that have been fighting and working against you will come to make peace or they will fall before you because of the level of glory and power that is about to be unleashed on you. He will let the world know your relationship with him by his manifestation. But why will all these happen? Just to reassure you and also show the world that he is still with you. Just get ready!
You already know the story of Jacob. He had so much trouble and fear when God gave him that massive divine reassurance at Bethel. Yes, there is nothing that reassures as hearing from him. It gives strength and peace in the midst of trial, like what the world is going through now. It gives hope and courage in the midst of life battles. The world needs urgent healing at the moment.
Nations, people, businesses need urgently God’s touch, love and miracles to come out of this. True. Jacob was there: frustrated, afraid, traumatized, in regrets, tired, discouraged, depressed, lonely and confused when the LORD met and spoke those powerful words to him. He was running away from his enraged, cheated elder brother, whom he just stole his birth right from. And worse, he did not know exactly the way to where he was running to. My God! But as he was overloaded with all these worries and uncertainties, he called upon God.
And as he fell asleep in frustration, using stone, (hard stone) as pillow, the almighty spoke “…I am with you, and I will protect you wherever you go. One day I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have finished giving you everything I have promised you.” Gen 28:15. Jesus! Sure, this is one of the greatest promises I have found in the bible. Every time, I read this I get reinvigorated to push on in life and in faith. It gave me the needed ‘bearing’ to find my way as I was growing up.
It has been one of my ‘banner verses’ over the years. I am not surprised that God is again speaking to me through this time. Jacob needed that so much to move on. And we also need it now. Yes, now. As you read this, God is saying that he will be with you through and beyond this global chaos. He is with you. He will protect, preserve and provide for you until ALL his promises for your life come to pass!
Also look at what happened in Egypt during the plagues. None of the destructions, none of the hails, diseases touched the Israelites at Goshen. They heard about it, they saw the Egyptians suffer it, but it did not come to their camp. Wow! That is the power of divine protection and preservation. Remember he said that none of those diseases and destructions shall touch us! From the first plague to the last in Egypt, none affected the Israelites. They were divinely immune and shielded.
In fact, at the Passover night, as all the families of men and beasts in Egypt were wailing and mourning the death of their firstborn, the bible said that not even a bark of the dog was heard in all of Goshen where the Israelites lived. Power! That is the God that we serve. Now, as the world is struggling and groaning God is also releasing unprecedented grace to his people and the church. He will through us bring healing, peace and hope to the world. Jesus Christ remains the only hope for the world.
Look at Exodus 12:13, “But the blood on your doorposts will serve as a sign, marking the houses where you are staying. When I see the blood, I will pass over you. This plague of death will not touch you when I strike the land of Egypt.” My God! Yes, it cannot touch us. We are covered. We will sure prosper and flourish in the midst of this crisis. You already know that Jesus is that lamb that was sacrificed for us. Run into him today, immediately for your protection and preservation. We will continue. Share this message to everybody. Happy New Year!
Rev Gabriel Agbo is the author of the books / audiobooks: Power of Midnight Prayer, Receive Your Healing, Breaking Generational Curses: Claiming Your Freedom, Never Again!, I Shall Not Die, Move Forward and many others. Tel: 08037113283. E-mail: [email protected] Website www.authorsden.com/pastorgabrielnagbo