10 things to know if you want to marry a soldier

 10 things to know if you want to marry a soldier

“The only reason why I’d like to marry a soldier is because of the lovely videos I watch online and because of the sense of security that comes with it, they take care of their family.

However, I don’t want to be in a situation where it feels like I’m single, yet married. The fear of losing him is also a factor.”

These were the words that conveyed the thoughts of 25 years old Diana regarding the settling down with a soldier. It seemed appealing to her but the price to pay was too much for her.

The dark chocolate August used to fancy the idea of marrying a soldier, just like Diana, she felt he was going to protect her and she’ll have a beautiful wedding, but all that changed when she had to deal with them and discovered their adulterous lifestyle, which was fueled by the fact that they are always away from home.

Again, August stated “I used to think that marriage will get boring when you have your partner around all the time, but now, getting married to someone who is almost never around is a no.”1

Jacinta wasn’t having it. It was a NO and she went on to give three reasons. She said, “The majority are not responsible. Secondly, they are prone to cheating and lastly, I don’t want to have a heart attack early in life because he might be sent on life-threatening assignments.”

Chidinma states the can’t deal with the anxiety that comes with it and that’s on period.

These ladies seem quite worried about the idea of getting married to a soldier, but people will fall in love with and end up with a soldier which is a fact. They also point to cheating as a reason for that negative responses, but that cannot be generalised as it is a personal issue.

Marrying a soldier sure has its perks despite what people think, but also comes with its own set of challenges and challenges are part of life.

Soldiers often live a life of discipline, sacrifice, and commitment to their duty. If you’re considering a future with a military service member, there are several important things to keep in mind.

In this article, we’ll explore ten key factors to consider before marrying a soldier.

1. Deployment cycles

One of the most significant aspects of marrying a soldier is dealing with deployment cycles. Soldiers can be stationed abroad or sent on extended deployments, which can last months or even years. It’s crucial to be prepared for the emotional and logistical challenges that come with separation.

2. Frequent moves

Soldiers and their families can expect to move frequently. Military bases are often located in different parts of the country or even overseas. Flexibility and adaptability are essential qualities for anyone marrying a soldier.

3. Financial stability

Soldiers receive a steady paycheck, but military pay scales can vary. It’s important to understand the financial benefits and resources available to military families, such as healthcare housing allowances, and education benefits.

4. Support system

Having a strong support system is crucial when marrying a soldier. Connect with other military spouses and families to share experiences and provide emotional support during deployments and relocations.

5. Embracing independence

Marrying a soldier often means embracing independence. You’ll need to handle day-to-day responsibilities on your own, from managing household tasks to making important decisions.

6. Security concerns

Soldiers in Nigeria often face security challenges in their line of duty. This can be emotionally taxing for both the soldier and their spouse. Mental and emotional support is vital during such times.

7. Communication challenges

During deployments, communication can be sporadic or limited. Soldiers may not always be able to call or message regularly due to operational constraints. Patience and understanding are vital during these times.

8. Long-term planning

Consider your long-term goals as a couple. Discuss career aspirations, family planning, and where you see yourselves in the future. The military lifestyle can influence these decisions, so open communication is key.

9. Emotional resilience

The soldier’s job can be physically and emotionally demanding. Marrying a soldier often means being there to provide emotional support and understanding during challenging times

10. Celebrate milestones

Celebrate the milestones, both big and small. Military life can be tough, but it’s also filled with moments of pride and achievement. Recognize and celebrate your soldier’s accomplishments and contributions to their country.

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